Massy Group CEO Warner to retire early

Gervase Warner
Gervase Warner

(Trinidad Guardian) Massy Holdings Ltd announced yesterday the early retirement of Gervase Warner, the group’s president and CEO.


Warner, who has served as group CEO for 14 years, “will retire on his 59th birthday on April 6, 2024,” Massy said in a statement.


Massy said over the course of the next two months, Warner will work alongside David Affonso, the chairman of the integrated retail portfolio, who will succeed Warner as the Group CEO.


Both Warner and Affonso were born in 1965, according to the Massy 2023 annual report.


The announcement of Warner’s pending retirement comes amid an investigation being conducted by senior counsel Kerwyn Garcia, into allegations made by Massy’s former executive vice president and group general counsel, Angelique Parisot-Potter, at the group’s 100th annual meeting at the Hilton Trinidad on December 18.


Garcia is being assisted in his investigation by two attorneys from the law firm of Fitzwilliam, Stone, Furness-Smith & Morgan.


When Massy chairman Robert Riley opened the floor for questions at the annual meeting, Parisot-Potter was first in line to raise issues.


She questioned the group’s spending of scarce foreign exchange on an executive management programme in Fort Myers, Florida, that involved “bizarre rituals” and “highly dubious activities”.


Reading from a prepared text at the meeting, Parisot-Potter said: “Their bizarre rituals include that they can train Massy employees to communicate with the dead and that attendees can self heal with ‘white light energy’.”


She resigned from the company at the end of last year.