Nasty lyrics on minibus

Dear Editor, 

I would like to draw a serious matter to your attention.

The Traffic Chief on a broadcast on the radio sometime in November 2023, addressed the issue of loud noise emanating from minibuses and vowed to put an end to it.  Not so.  I joined a minibus  from Stabroek Market to Camp Street, having parked my car on Camp Street.

Editor, I kid you not, as soon as the bus pulled off from Stabroek if you hear, not the loud music, but the nasty, filthy, dirty lyrics from this bus. I couldn’t take it being a woman. I exited at King Street, paid the $100 and walked to Camp Street.

It is years paying passengers have been and are being abused by these indecent minibus operators and some form of discipline must be meted out to them.

One other thing, the traffic department is not rigid in carrying out the discipline. If they implement a ruling it lasts only for a week with no follow up. Such discipline is a slap in the face for the senior authorities who implement the discipline. 

Thank you.

(Name and address given)