Teachers strike was a just one, gov’t lagging on human development

Dear Editor,

I would like to comment on two current issues in the news:  The ANUG seat in Parliament should be immediately given up based on previous arrangements and it is a betrayal of all political and moral  principles to hold onto that seat against the wish of that party – the most egregious  example being that betrayal by Charrandass Persaud against the APNU coalition.  In 1998, I resigned my PPP seat in Parliament and whispers came my way that I could keep my seat as an independent or I could cross over to the opposition – I chose the only politically honest and correct decision and handed my seat back to the PPP and my time was not limited by the PPP – it was for 5 years, as the constitution dictates.  So. please give back to ANUG the seat that belongs to that party and have a clear conscience – don’t be a political traitor like Charrandass. Do the right thing for your country.

Editor, the second comment I would like to bring to the public’s attention is about the end of the teachers strike – a strike which shows the weakness of this PPP government in concentrating too much on economic development  with new roads, bridges etc.(which is good for all of us) while lagging way behind on the most important activity for the people of Guyana which is human development. The teachers’ strike was a just strike for better wages and working conditions and should never have occurred if our oil money had gone to pay them more, but, most importantly, if their working conditions had improved – not only for them, but for our children. How can human development be really realized if the toilets for the teachers and students have no water or toilet paper; or there’s no hot meals  nor transportation for the kids;  or there’s no proper computer, air conditioners nor supplies for them. Come on Ms. Minister, show us some human development! Remember Mahdia – is that human development? – I don’t think so.

In closing on this issue I would like to compliment my old friend and my present erstwhile  Attorney-at-Law , Mr. Edward Luckhoo, a true Guyanese patriot,  for his contribution to a quick solution in ending this strike – only his brilliance, resolute inscrutable  facial expressions and charming guile could have achieved this good result and he should be utilized in the future to solve these kinds of problems – and praise should be given to the Government and the Union  for accepting independent mediators.

Yours sincerely,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)