Mentore did not present the information that I requested

Dear Editor,

I have noted with grave concern a very misleading headline in the Monday March 18, 2024 edition, which stated “Public Service Credit Union vice chair says has provided list of names required by Co-op Chief”. I wrote to Mr. Patrick Mentore on March 12, 2024, giving him a deadline to provide the information I requested since March 4, 2024, to validate that the Special General Meeting held on March 2, 2024 satisfied the requirement set out in Regulations 17 and 21 of the Co-operative Societies Act, Chapter 88:01.

Mr. Mentore responded with a letter, dated March 14, 2024, in which he reiterated a lot of information that is already common knowledge, but nothing was presented with regard to what I requested. Regulation 17 states that 1/4 of the members must be present in order to have a quorum for the Special General Meeting, while regulation 21 stipulates that 3/4 of those present must vote in favour to remove a Committee of Management before the expiration of their term in office. This was the information I requested, and it has not been provided to date.

So Mr. Mentore’s claim that a list of names of those who attended the Special General Meeting, as well as those who voted, was provided to the Chief Co-operatives Development Officer is far from the truth. In fact, it is a blatant lie, which he ought to retract.


Janaknauth Panchu

Chief Co-operatives Development Officer