Consider Guyana’s digital heritage as one of its natural resources

Dear Editor,

In the sprawling digital epoch, where our lives intertwine with a platform-based existence, it’s time to reevaluate the treasures we hold dear. Among Guyana’s rich bounties—its rainforests, rivers, and diverse cultures—lies an untapped resource as crucial as any mineral or crop: that is, our data. From the moment of birth, our existence generates ripples in the vast ocean of information. Announcements of newborns weave through networks, marking the inception of a digital footprint that parallels our physical journey. As Guyanese children transition into students, artists, professionals, and elders, every step is chronicled, intentionally or not, across an array of platforms.

This continuous stream of data, encompassing culture, language, experiences, love, and life, is not merely digital exhaust. It is a mosaic of the Guyanese spirit, a detailed narrative of our collective journey, and a testament to the richness of our shared heritage. Our data is our gold, our El Dorado. Why, then, should we not consider this collective digital heritage as one of our natural resources? Just as we protect our forests and rivers, so too should we safeguard our collective data. It’s a reservoir of our cultural identity, offering insights into our evolving language, traditions, and societal norms. This data holds immense value, not just for socio-cultural analysis but as a beacon guiding the development of more inclusive, representative technologies and policies.

However, with great value comes great responsibility. The preservation and ethical use of this data are paramount. We must tread carefully, ensuring robust protections against exploitation, whether by official or private entities, while fostering an environment where our digital heritage can be ethically accessed and utilized to benefit all Guyanese. Imagine the potential of harnessing this data in education, where tailored curricula reflect the linguistic and cultural nuances of our people. Consider its application in healthcare, with services designed around the unique genetic and environmental profiles of the Guyanese populace. Envision local businesses thriving by tapping into a well of insights about the very heart of their market.

This is the future we could build—a future where data empowers, unites, and reflects the vibrant tapestry of Guyana. Yet, this resource, if left unprotected, could be exploited, leading to breaches of privacy and identity. Thus, as we recognize our data’s value, we must also fortify our commitment to data rights and privacy. It is incumbent upon both the government and private entities to foster transparency, security, and equitable access, ensuring that the benefits of this digital resource are shared by all Guyanese. It is our data, and it’s in our interest that it must be protected against exploitation.


Brian Ramphal