Venezuela’s violation of Argyle Declaration unsurprising

Dear Editor,

It should come as no surprise, the recent actions by Venezuela concerning Essequibo.  That country reneged on agreements reached in Barbados concerning its upcoming elections.  It did that, so walking back on the Argyle Declaration was an occurrence we should have expected.

Guyana, unlike the U S, cannot impose sanctions.  All we can hope for is cool heads to prevail. 

This course of action was always in the making given the results of the referendum held last December.  There are forces there impatient to implement the referendum to bolster a sagging image before the July elections.

Was Guyana duped by perceived cordiality exhibited by the Venezuelan President at a recent regional and Latin America conference and the seemly all’s quiet on the western front, following the Argyle Declaration? 

It is noted this latest assault comes at a time when the region and are partners is occupied with happenings in Haiti.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed