Extensive power outages underscores gov’t’s failure to anticipate and adequately address infrastructure challenges

Dear Editor,

I am writing to highlight the recurrent pattern of reactive responses rather than proactive measures from the current government in handling crises in Guyana, notably the recent widespread power outages. It is disheartening to observe how the government consistently waits for crises to escalate before taking action, rather than implementing proactive measures to prevent or mitigate such situations. The recent extensive power outages have not only inconvenienced citizens but have also underscored the government’s failure to anticipate and adequately address infrastructure challenges, or at the very least, communicate its strategies for detecting and rectifying major issues before they snowball into Public Relations nightmares.

Instead of tackling the underlying issues contributing to the power outages, such as inadequate maintenance of power plants and transmission lines, the government has predominantly reacted with temporary solutions, such as deploying generators or importing electricity from neighbouring countries. While these measures may offer short-term relief, they do not tackle the root causes of the problem. Moreover, the government’s lack of transparency and communication exacerbates public frustration and erodes trust in its crisis management abilities. Citizens deserve to be informed about the government’s plans and actions to address issues like power outages, yet they are often left uninformed until problems escalate to crisis levels.

It is imperative for the current government to adopt a proactive approach to governance, focusing on preventive measures and long-term solutions rather than firefighting when crises arise. This entails investing in infrastructure development, implementing effective maintenance schedules, and engaging in transparent communication with the public. Furthermore, the government must prioritize accountability and ensure that resources are efficiently allocated to address the needs of the people. By taking proactive steps to tackle underlying issues and anticipate future challenges, the current government can demonstrate its commitment to effective governance and the well-being of all Guyanese citizens.


Keith Bernard