These are visionary leaders capable of representing the minority opposition

Dear Editor,

We have seen and heard Mr. Timothy Jonas, Senior Counsel on talk shows and have become familiar with his ideology. Mr. Jonas has spoken extensively on poverty issues, legislative issues, drainage issues, Venezuelan issues, courtroom issues, elections issues, and security issues. In short, he is knowledgeable in many domains. It is without doubt that he would be an excellent presidential candidate for Guyana in 2025. Mr. Jonas has demonstrated his passion for fair and equal treatment of all citizens. It is quite clear from the way he speaks about PPP and PNC conflicts and makes an assessment of the situations that arise.

We have come to associate A New and United Guyana (ANUG) with Timothy Jonas. He has been the driving force behind the party. His magnetism, aptitude, fortitude and ability to lead especially, in matters of social reform for Guyana, is something with which we are quite familiar. It should come as no surprise that ANUG has chosen a youth to be a representative in Parliament. After all, our young people deserve a voice and they will drive the future change in Guyana. It is admirable of ANUG to choose a youth as a parliamentarian representative.

However, Guyana is at a pivotal point in its political history and building capacity for human development; to achieve these objectives and set a faster pace, there is a need for a strong and well-articulated representative for the opposition in Parliament. The demands of Parliament and Parliament debates are rigorous and the representative must have the skill level to accomplish the tasks. It is quite clear that ANUG’s chosen representative is ill fitted for the journey which lies ahead in parliament. It is not a job for an idealistic novice.

Though there has always been an unconscious expectation that Timothy Jonas would be the parliamentarian representative for ANUG, indeed for all Guyanese, there was a brief glimpse and glimmer of hope from ANUG’s previous Chairman, Dr. Mark France. Similar to Jonas, Dr. France also has the experience and the tenacity to maneuver through Parliament and garner much needed changes. They are both ethical, transparent and accountable. One only needs to glance at Jonas’ illustrious law career to ascertain his capability and likewise Dr. France in the medical field.

They are both sons of teachers and that alone speaks for itself. In a time when our teachers are being treated as third class citizens we need leaders like these. In a time when our nurses and doctors are being shoved for a cheaper labour force we need leaders like these. In a time when our devoted police officers face dangerous  and ominous work conditions and disgraceful pay we need leaders like these. In a time when youth are struggling for a positive role model and a courageous spirit we need leaders like these. In a time when our parliamentarians deviate from the jobs we assigned to them and turn Parliament into a verbally abusive ghetto, we need leaders like these. Timothy Jonas, Senior Counsel and Dr. Mark France are visionary leaders and both have the expertise and have the capabilities to be able to represent the minority opposition in the parliament of Guyana.


(Name and Address Withheld)