I would propose constitutional amendments to establish a conscription law given escalating tensions between Guyana and Venezuela

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent developments concerning Venezuela’s threat to Guyana’s sovereignty. In light of this clear and present danger, I strongly believe that it is time for Guyana to implement conscription as a necessary measure to ensure the safety and security of the nation. The escalating tensions between Guyana and Venezuela over the territorial dispute in the Essequibo region have reached a critical point. Starting with Venezuela’s refusal to recognize the 1899 Arbitral Award that established the boundary between the two countries, Guyana faces a real and imminent threat to its territorial integrity.

Conscription, the compulsory enlisting of citizens, regardless of race, gender, religion or socioeconomic background into the armed forces, has long been used by countries around the world to bolster their defense capabilities during times of crisis. In the face of external aggression, it is imperative that Guyana takes proactive steps to strengthen its military readiness and preparedness. By implementing conscription, Guyana can ensure that it has a well-trained and adequately sized military force capable of defending its borders and safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty. Conscription would not only provide the necessary manpower but also instill a sense of duty and patriotism among our citizens.

Furthermore, conscription can serve as a unifying force, bringing together people from all walks of life to serve their country in its time of need. It would foster a spirit of national unity and solidarity, sending a clear message to external aggressors that Guyana stands united in defense of its sovereignty. I urge parliament to seriously consider implementing changes to the constitution to make conscription law, as a proactive measure to address the threat posed by Venezuela. The safety and security of the nation should be top priority, and conscription is a crucial step towards achieving that goal.


Keith Bernard