For GPL, the missing link is management

Dear Editor,

As I listened to addresses by presenters at the May Day Rally I attended at the GTU Compound, the mess workers and citizens are in is clear. Then today, with supposed pride, the Government announced the arrival of the Turkish Power ship. This same day, the Government advertised for the lease of a barge related to GPL’s operations.  The fact that we are yet to hear the whole story of the cost for this whole operation is worrisome.  The above ship, barge and umpteen generators recently acquired are intended to solve our constant, stressful blackouts. I have made the point before that the success of GPL, and for that matter any Enterprise requires the three M’s – Money, Machinery and Management.

We have an abundance of money and therefore the availability of machinery. The great missing link is management. Herein lies the problem. For some reason beyond logic, our Government seemed unable or unwilling to accept this basic fact that the key, the vital element is to identify a management team of competence, persons with a known tract record of success and persons who are true patriots dedicated to the people of Guyana and no one else. Is anyone listening? Are those in charge of the ship, forgive the epithet, but at 2:55 p.m. as my secretary was typing this letter, there was a blackout in this area where I live. Guyana Quo Vadis?


Hamilton Green
