Mr Richard Nichols did us proud

Dear Editor,

Imagine stumbling upon $2 million and handing it back.  Mr. Richard Nichols did so (KN May 04, 2024).  Imagine if 95% of the presences in the PPP and the PNC were constructed along those lines, conducted themselves in that manner, imagine for one moment only what kind of country this Guyana of ours would be

But when the clouds are grim and thick, there is always a Richard Nichols to instill hope.  That there is an inherent goodness even in the most contemptible in the midst.  Thanks, Mr. Nichols, a big round of them; two million letters in a suddenly insufficient alphabet pointing to them.  This is why I have never given up on leaders in this country.  Even the most disgraceful, the most devious, or the most despicable of them. Though Mr. Nichols himself, by his own voice, is experiencing a rough time, he rose to the best that he could be, and smoothed the way of someone else, a stranger.  What Mr. Nichols did was something that I keep pressing forward with: the willingness to be self-sacrificing.  The grooming that fuels such a state of mind. It is neither spoken of, nor written about. It is lived.  Is anybody in the PPP Government and the PNC-AFC Opposition listening, absorbing the fullest essence of what I am presenting to every Guyanese, beginning with myself?  That is, be willing to feel any pain, to resist any ill-conceived and ill-gotten gain, and to feel every shame for the mere thought of anything that has to do with the latter.  I would like to think that there are still such brothers and sisters in this land of so many possibilities.

It would be wonderful if a business or two (anyone of those reporting massive increases in profits) were to step forward and cheer Mr. Nichols in a tangible way.  A job that calls for confidence and the conviction to be placed in the man who would be responsible for it.  Because he is honest as the horizon in all its unending arcs.  It would be encouraging to read of a citizen or few reaching out to Mr. Nichols with an envelope of gratitude for the one that he returned so ethically.  When I speak of the individual obligation to ethics and principle and honour in Guyana, many from the pinnacle to the plains roll their eyes and smirk.  Often, they snarl.  Two million is not two milkshakes.  In good times, it still has some staying power; in demanding personal times, it is lightning in a clear blue sky.  I would like to see somebody step forward and say to Mr. Nichols one word.  Thanks.  Inspiring.  Commanding.  Grand.  He stepped up in a most of great temptation. It would be delightful for one or two or three Guyanese to reciprocate with a token of congratulation.

In parting, I offer a prayer.  It would be a blessing if our top offices in national politics and national public institutions were held by people like Mr. Richard Nichols.  No frills.  No speech.  No self-congratulating.  Just do it.  Take the lead.


GHK Lall