Corentyne man remanded over attempted murder of ex-partner

Sase Sankar (right) being led to court yesterday
Sase Sankar (right) being led to court yesterday

A Number 69 Village, Corentyne man who was wanted for the attempted murder of his ex-partner last year and was deported from Suriname this week was yesterday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Albion Magistrate’s Court.

Sasenarine Sankar, 47,  a barber, was nabbed by the Surinamese authorities at a tyre shop in that country after which he was deported to the authorities in Guyana. 

Sankar yesterday appeared at the Albion Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Tuanna Hardy.

The charge read that on April 5, 2023, he wounded Sandy Persaud with the intent to commit murder. An unrepresented Sankar was not required to plead to the charge. 

Police Prosecutor Shinnel Matterson objected to bail stressing that Sankar was a flight risk since following the incident he had fled the jurisdiction. 

Magistrate Hardy then denied bail and remanded the accused to prison. 

He will return to court on May 23. 

Stabroek News had reported on the attack on 34-year-old Sandy Persaud after she ended an abusive relationship with Sankar.

Persaud had said that she was at her mother’s house when the man invaded the premises and allegedly began chopping her about her body at around 5 am.  At the time, her son was heading out to work and had opened the door resulting in Sankar rushing in.

Relatives had said that before they could respond the man had already dealt Persaud several chops about her body and broadsided her elderly mother who attempted to intervene.

Sankar then escaped from the scene and Persaud was rushed to hospital.