Mill operator held with CZ gun at Westminster

The firearm and ammunition found
The firearm and ammunition found

A 31-year-old mill operator is now in custody after police found a black CZ Kansas City firearm with serial # B992438, one magazine and 14 rounds of ammunition under a bed at his Westminster, West Bank Demerara home.

According to a police release, ranks acting on information visited the man’s home yesterday, made contact with him, informed him that they had certain information, and asked whether he was the holder of a firearm licence; he responded in the negative.

He was asked for the firearm he allegedly had in his possession and he took ranks to his bedroom where the gun and ammunition were found. He was cautioned and arrested and escorted to Parfaite Harmonie Police Station along with the firearm and ammunition.

On arrival at the station, the firearm was further inspected in his presence and was later initialed, sealed, and lodged. The investigation is ongoing.