Guard charged with murder of boy, 16

Keron Boyer
Keron Boyer

Twenty-one-year-old Keron Boyer, a security officer, appeared yesterday before Chief Magistrate (ag) Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court where he was charged with the murder of 16-year-old Benjamin Seaford.

It was alleged that on May 6 2024 at Gordon Street, Kitty he murdered Seaford. He was not required to plead to the indicatable offence.

Prosecutor Quincy Lacon told the court that on the day in question Boyer and Seaford were engaged in a fight in the vicinity of a night club where Boyer was stationed by the security company he works with. Boyer took a knife and dealt Seaford two stabs about his body after which he escaped, the court heard.

Benjamin Seaford

When emergency medical technicians arrived at the scene they pronounced Seaford dead.

The police had said that Seaford was at the corner of Lamaha and Gordon streets, where he and Boyer had an argument during which a scuffle ensued. The police say that the suspect then pulled a knife from his waist and dealt Seaford stabs about his body.

Boyer was remanded to prison. His next court appearance will be on June 25 for disclosure.