Man found dead in car on Heroes Highway identified

Kevon Josiah
Kevon Josiah

The man who was found lifeless in his car on Sunday in the vicinity of Heroes Highway, with blood flowing from his nostrils has been identified.

Kevon Josiah was identified by his brother, Kevin Josiah, at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home yesterday morning.

A post-mortem examination was conducted by pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh, who stated the cause of death as undetermined. Samples were taken and the body was handed over to relatives.

According to the police, ranks in Regional Division 4B were on patrol in the vicinity of Heroes Highway when they observed a silver-gray motor car parked with the engine running. Upon inspection, they found a man in the driver’s seat with what appeared to be blood on his mouth and flowing from his nostrils. Blood was also seen on the floor behind the driver’s seat.

Emergency medical technicians were summoned, and the man was examined and pronounced dead.

Further inspection of the vehicle revealed a Guyana National Identification Card belonging to the deceased and a divorce petition between the deceased and a woman who resides in the United States of America.

The body was escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home to await a post-mortem examination.