With only promises from our oil discoveries to exist by, many families are being forced to sacrifice one necessity for another

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the escalating cost of living in Guyana, and the disproportionate burden it places on the lower and middle-class citizens of our nation. Despite the promising developments in the oil sector, many Guyanese continue to struggle to make ends meet, grappling with the harsh realities of inflation and economic disparity. The recent discoveries of oil reserves off our coast had sparked optimism and anticipation for a brighter future, however, for a significant portion of our population, this optimism has yet to translate into tangible benefits. Instead, they are confronted with the harsh reality of rising prices for essential goods and services, making it increasingly difficult to afford even the most basic necessities of life.

The impact of the soaring cost of living is particularly acute for the lower and middle-class families who already face financial challenges. With stagnant wages and limited opportunities for upward mobility, they find themselves trapped in a cycle of poverty exacerbated by the relentless march of inflation. The situation is further compounded by the lack of adequate social safety nets and support systems to cushion the blow for those most vulnerable in our society. Many families are forced to make difficult choices between putting food on the table, paying utility bills, or covering healthcare expenses, often sacrificing one necessity for another.

It is disheartening to witness the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots in our country, as the benefits of economic growth and prosperity seem to elude those who need them the most. The promise of oil wealth should not be confined to a select few but should be harnessed to uplift all Guyanese and create a more equitable and inclusive society. As a nation, we must urgently address this pressing issue through a multi-faceted approach that combines targeted social assistance programs, investments in education and skills training, and measures to promote economic diversification and inclusive growth. Additionally, there is a need for greater transparency and accountability in the management of our natural resources to ensure that the benefits are shared equitably among all citizens.

In conclusion, the rising cost of living in Guyana is a matter of grave concern that demands immediate attention and decisive action from our policymakers and leaders. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the struggles faced by our fellow citizens, nor can we allow the promise of oil wealth to remain an elusive dream for the majority of our population.


Mario Imrit