
Professor Leyland Lucas
Professor Leyland Lucas

Time for credit unions in Guyana to shift gears

By Professor Leyland Lucas A Response to Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s recent comments on the state of the Credit Union movement in Trinidad and Tobago Within Guyana, the Credit Union movement appears to be at an interesting juncture.

Kitco Market Data

Gold Prices for the three day period ending Thursday June 21, 2018Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver.

Market Prices

(Prepared by the Guyana Marketing Corporation andpublished by Stabroek Business as a public service) The New Guyana Marketing Corporation has agreed to provide us with the above information which we will publish on a weekly basis subject to receipt.

Minister Lawrence’s outburst

In what would have come to many observers as something of a surprise the Ministry of Public Health, earlier this week, issued a media release seemingly pointing to a busy time ahead for the Ministry pertaining to what Minister Volda Lawrence strongly suggests has been a virus of fraud attempts to steal from the public treasury, occurring within her Ministry.

Stock market updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 778’s trading results showed consideration of $999,900 from 1,111 shares traded in 1 transaction as compared to session 777’s trading results which showed consideration of $17,512,301 from 66,357 shares traded in 17 transactions.

A high level private sector team poses for a picture with MovieTowne  boss Derek Chin (third from right)

Giftland boss wants ‘full disclosure’ on MovieTowne duty-free concessions

Amidst reports of complaints from Trinidad and Tobago businessman Derek Chin that the launch of the US$45 million MovieTowne Leisure and Entertainment Complex at Turkeyen has suffered delays on account of various government-erected bureaucratic hurdles,   including delays in the clearance of containers for which duty-free concessions were granted, Chairman of the rival Giftland Group Roy Beepat is again seeking information as to “what concessions and facilities were granted” to MovieTowne.

One of Emporium’s creations

Emporium Investments aiming at new standards ethic in construction sector

Karni Paton and Sean Thompson, the husband and wife team that has established the Emporium Investments Bureau Inc in Guyana are seeking to, among other things, infuse an enhanced work ethic into the local construction sector, prepared, they say, to back their confidence in their ability to turn things around by offering extended warranties on the structures they deliver to their clients.

Jamaica moving to curb politicisation of state Boards

With governments in the region plagued by the practice of packing the Boards of state-run entities with their favoured political appointees, the present administration in Jamaica is moving to table regulations in the country’s National Assembly that will effectively de-politicise the Boards of public-sector bodies by, among other things, ensuring that a third of those appointed by a previous Minister or administration be carried over to a new Board.

Politics and public/private sector relations

Relations between the public and private sectors in the economic sphere are generally considered – and justifiably so – to be essential to Guyana’s economic health, the reason being that while it is government that creates and provides the policy framework within which the private sector functions, it is the private sector by investing in economic initiatives that makes critical goods and services available, paying taxes and creating jobs that are, in fact, the engine of growth. 

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