
Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin viewing exhibits at last weekend’s Essequibo fair
Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin viewing exhibits at last weekend’s Essequibo fair

Guyana must take responsibility for loss of US catfish market – Business Minister

Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin has conceded that Guyana must take full responsibility for the circumstances that led the country’s loss of its multi-million-dollar United States catfish market but says that government will work towards satisfying the conditionalities necessary for that market to be regained.

 Director of the GAFDD,                        Minister of Public  Marlan Cole

When profits trump the health of a nation…

Even as Guyana persists in what, over the years, has been a far from successful effort to stave off the proliferation of fake food imports resulting from illegal relabelling and transactions involving the lucrative importation of ‘cut price’ fake foods, mostly from parts of Asia, reports from Africa, particularly, suggest that others, as well, are paying a high price for their failure to fend off illegal fake food imports.

UncappeD marketplace all set for Sunday

Having seemingly set its sights firmly on creating an enhanced level of local market acceptance for the local manufacturing sector, the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA) was this week finalizing arrangements for the staging of UncappeD 11, the second of what is envisaged as a series of marketing initiatives aimed at popularizing locally manufactured products.

Times of Plenty

No matter how diligently we searched during our photographer’s visit to the Stabroek Market last week, we could find no evidence of any vegetable on sale at a unit price of above $100.00.

The range of porridge samples available on the local market.

GMC initiative pushing local cereals, porridge preparations

With the country’s major food outlets now – perhaps more than ever before – swamped with an overabundance of regional and extra-regional cereals and porridge preparations, the Ministry of Agriculture says that the Guyana Marketing Corporation’s Robb and Alexander streets Guyana Shop is being pressed into service in an effort to accelerate the popularization of similar local foods.

Kitco Market Data

Gold Prices for the three-day period ending Thursday April 26, 2018 Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver.

Market Prices

(Prepared by the Guyana Marketing Corporation andpublished by Stabroek Business as a public service)

Stock market updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 770’s trading results showed consideration of $2,440,160 from 35,892 shares traded in 10 transactions as compared to session 769’s trading results which showed consideration of $2,503,800 from 5,000 shares traded in 2 transactions.

Food strategy

Like a recurring decimal the ‘grow more food’ clarion call has, intermittently, resonated across the region as though repetition could transform the vocalizing of the wish into a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Much creativity, little commerce

Harmony Village and the creative industries

If there are still unmistakable indications that the socio-cultural cohesion that we continually seek continues to elude us, it is not for the want of pressing street fairs and cultural events into service in the hope that these might make some kind of contribution, however modest, to that elusive goal.

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