Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

175 Region Five youths complete empowerment programme

The National Training Project for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE) on  Friday held a graduation ceremony at which  175 youths in Region Five received their certificates at the Belladrum Secondary School, West Coast Berbice, signalling the end of training for 154 out of school youths and 21 single parents.

Nicaragua looking to President of UNASUR for support

Minister of Development of Nicaragua, Lumberto Campbell has said that his recent exchange with President Bharrat Jagdeo was fruitful and they are looking forward for his support in his capacity as President of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), a portfolio which he assumed a week ago.

Learning Resource Centre refurbished in Region One

The Learning Resource Center  in the North West District, Region One, was recently refurbished through funding garnered from the regional administration and inputs from the friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Christopher Miller.

Reuters World News Highlights

SEOUL – North Korea warned its tough-talking neighbour yesterday against holding more firing drills near a disputed  maritime border off the west coast of the peninsula, accusing  the South of being “hell-bent to set off a war”.

Australia says police investigating WikiLeaks boss

MANAMA, (Reuters) – Australian police are  investigating whether WikiLeaks’ Australian founder Julian  Assange has broken any of the country’s laws and is liable to  prosecution there, Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said on Saturday.

David Granger

Granger to meet North American PNCR members

Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger who is in the running to be the PNCR’s presidential nominee for next year’s general elections is to leave Guyana tomorrow to meet party members in New York, New Jersey and Washington DC.

Mirlande Manigat

Haiti anti-vote protesters march, clash with police

PORT-AU-PRINCE, (Reuters) – Hundreds of protesters  demanding the annulment of Haiti’s elections marched in the  capital for the second time in days today, clashing with  riot police and stoking tensions ahead of results expected on  Tuesday.

Darren Sammy

Sri Lanka captain bemoans ‘topsy turvy’ weather

KANDY, (Reuters) – Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara  called for cricket officials to analyse weather patterns  thoroughly before hosting test matches after the third and final  test against West Indies ended in a tame draw at the Pallakele  Stadium today.

Barama imports plywood

In the wake of the closure of its plywood factory at Land of Canaan following a boiler explosion, Barama Company Limited has begun importing plywood.

Bartica loses power after fire

All of Bartica was plunged into darkness earlier this morning following a fire at the Guyana Power & Light (GPL) station in the Cuyuni/Mazaruni community.

Haroon Lorgat

ICC eyes June 2013 for first test world championship

MELBOURNE, (Reuters) – The International Cricket   Council is eyeing June 2013 for the  inaugural test world   championship and will use current rankings to decide the four   playoff spots, CEO Haroon Lorgat told Australian radio today.

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