
Project Manager of the Amerindian Development Fund Omar Bispat (left) with Chairman of the Dog Point Community Development Council Thomas John. Behind are the engines that have been acquired for the boats.
Project Manager of the Amerindian Development Fund Omar Bispat (left) with Chairman of the Dog Point Community Development Council Thomas John. Behind are the engines that have been acquired for the boats.

Dog Point acquires boats for revenue generation

With funding through the Amerindian Development Fund (ADF), Dog Point, in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni, has acquired two boats to be used as income generators for community development.

 Roosevelt Skerrit

Dominica aiming to become climate resilient country

Respect for law and order has returned to Dominica, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said last night in an address to his people and he announced the imminent visit by the UN Secretary General to the hurricane-stricken island and its plan to become a climate resilient country.

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