
UN Resident Coordinator, Khadija Musa speaking at the event (GINA photo)
UN Resident Coordinator, Khadija Musa speaking at the event (GINA photo)

UN consults Guyanese on post 2015 development agenda

The United Nations (UN) yesterday held a consultation workshop at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Liliendaal with government officials, civil society and non-governmental organisation to draft the next cycle of the development goals.

Two for trial over murder of cosmetologist

Two men were committed to the High Court for trial on Monday after it was ruled that the prosecution had made out a prima facie case against them for the murder of Ashmini Harriram Lennox Wayne, also known as ‘Two Colours’, and taxi driver Elroy Doris appeared before Magistrate Zamilla Ally at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court where the verdict was handed down after a 14 month preliminary inquiry.

T&T’s ISIS fighters face Govt block

(Trinidad Guardian) A discussion is currently taking place with the Attorney General on revisiting or changing the current situation of free, unrestricted/unhindered entry of T&T nationals who have joined the Islamic State (ISIS), National Security Minister Edmund Dillon confirmed yesterday.

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