Regional News

Sandals Resorts denies owing St Lucia gov’t taxes

Sandals Resorts International (SRI) yesterday issued a strong denial that it owes the Government of St Lucia withholding taxes and pointedly stated that a claim being made to the contrary is designed to tarnish its “good name and reputation”.

Franklin Khan
Franklin Khan

Trinidad Energy Minister: 4,700 workers in total to lose jobs

(Trinidad Guardian) En­er­gy Min­is­ter Franklin Khan yes­ter­day told Par­lia­ment that 3,500 per­ma­nent work­ers plus 1,200 non-per­ma­nent work­ers will be af­fect­ed by the Gov­ern­ment’s planned clo­sure of the re­fin­ery in two weeks.

Char­maine Gand­hi-An­drews

Trinidad Immigration Chief admits Venezuelan influx

(Trinidad Guardian) Chief Im­mi­gra­tion Of­fi­cer Char­maine Gand­hi-An­drews ad­mits there has been an in­crease in il­le­gal im­mi­grants to this coun­try, but she is al­so ad­mit­ting she is not in a po­si­tion to give ex­act num­bers “be­cause a lot of the per­sons who have en­tered we know noth­ing about.”

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