Letters to the Editor

Is this the car?

Dear Editor, Could this be the long lost vintage/historic vehicle that once transported former Prime Minister LFS Burnham and Queen Elizabeth II during a state visit?

Sound level calculations are complicated

Dear Editor, The sufferer who wrote the letter in SN of May 2, 2016 ‘Owner turned machines off before EPA came to measure noise levels’ after a year of complaints to authorities should log the noise levels over a period of time.

Bisram misrepresented letter on rural Guyana

Dear Editor, Mr Vishnu Bisram completely missed the intent and objective of my letter to the press on rural Guyana v urban Guyana with respect to the formation of the new ERC (‘Rural Guyana being marginalised in nomination process for Ethnic Relations Commission’ SN, April 24).

Ramjattan should be reshuffled

Dear Editor, For the past two months or more, there hasn’t been a day where the crime situation in Guyana has not dominated the headlines of the more popular dailies.

Diamond GRA closed Saturday

Dear Editor, Saturday was supposed to be the final day for the submission of income tax returns, yet when a number of people visited the Diamond branch of the GRA in the morning to submit their returns, it was not open.

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