Letters to the Editor

Reduce corruption in governance

Dear Editor, In response to the question asked by David Yhann’s letter, in SN on our golden jubilee, on how to grow Guyana’s population, I have a more direct answer (‘What is the best model to increase Guyana’s population?’).

Nurses should form their own association rather than depend on the GPSU

Dear Editor, It seems that my advocacy in the ‘Voice of the Liberal Democrats’ column in KN on May 11, on behalf of the 800 plus nurses across Guyana finally woke up a voice, supposedly inside the GPSU, from its decade long slumber (‘Without the GPSU conditions of service for nurses would have been worse’ SN, May 24).

Guyana is still in a state of dependency

Dear Editor, Guiana or Guyana ‒ a femme fatale, she seemed ‒ changed hands from the Dutch to the British, then to the French, and back to the Dutch, then British again, then Dutch once more, and then the British one final time during her 350-year colonial subordination.

Editorial was well informed

Dear Editor, Anyone reading the Stabroek News editorial of Tuesday, May 24 cannot escape the impression that it is based on an actual reading of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Guyana Public Service.

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