Letters to the Editor

Barista to president?

Dear Editor, I am delighted to see my old mucker Ruel Johnson has won a prestigious writing scholarship in the USA later this year.

‘The thrill is gone’

Dear Editor, Before the May 2015 election, like many of the citizenry, I was praying and hoping for a change to come to our country.

Pleased with PNCR’s ‘green’ theme

Dear Editor, The Environmental Community Health Organisation (ECHO) is pleased to note the “green” theme of the People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNCR) recently concluded 19th Biennial Delegates Congress; the largest party in the current Coalition government. 

Proposed increase to public servants is an affront

Dear Editor, The following quote is taken from the then APNU+AFC’s manifesto statement:  “This APNU+AFC Coalition’s Manifesto prescribes a unified approach to bring an end to the cronyism at high levels that is a drain on our financial resources and is blocking our development; to crime, that is bleeding the lives and bodies of our women and youths and scaring away investors; to corruption in the law-enforcement and regulatory agencies in the mining and forestry sectors and to constitutional abuse by the President, Cabinet and executive branch of the government.”

Street observations

Dear Editor, For quite a while now I’ve been observing various business entities supporting cultural and religious events and there is one snackette which seems to support almost all events.

History repeated itself

Dear Editor, On Saturday night I was still relishing the West Indies T20 win against India, when it dawned on me that in some ways, history had repeated itself. 

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