Letters to the Editor

No CANU employee by the name of Jitindra Persaud at any time

Dear Editor, I refer to articles in your publication of August 31, 2012 captioned ‘Ex-narcotic agent reprimanded over assault of airport immigration officer’ and wish to emphatically confirm that at no time in the history of the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU) was there an employee by the name of Jitindra Persaud.

The OAS should invite Region 10 representatives to brief them now after failing to invite them to Ambassador Karran’s briefing

Dear Editor, In the opinion of the International Committee in Continuing Defence of Linden, the statement of the Guyana Government through its Ambassador to the Organisation of American States (OAS)  delivered on August 22, 2012, instead of reciting the sequence of events, went out of its way to accuse the government’s critics of incitement to racial disaffection.

Book misrepresented role in operations and command

Dear Editor, In his book, The Wild Coast, the author, John Gimlette, refers to his brief interview with me (conducted in a public place at the Pegasus Poolside) and then proceeds without my knowledge or sanction to embellish the scenarios, using his author’s licence.

The US election will be close until the end

Dear Editor, Guyanese Americans have to be applauded for the interest shown in the just concluded Republican Convention, and I hope the same will be displayed this coming week during the Democratic convention, deepening the group’s interest and involvement in American politics.

Not ‘minus zero’

Dear Editor, I am not sure what criteria were used for Stabroek News to bestow the crown of Guyana‘s most “renowned” coach on the Guyana Police Force coach, Mr Lyndon Wilson.

It is time for an Anti-Corruption Agency

Dear Editor, We watched with disgust the spectacle of corruption scandal after corruption scandal over the last decade, and when we thought it would have gone away with new leadership in government, oh what a surprise:  Corruption is here to stay.

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