Letters to the Editor

Young people do not perceive education to be useful

Dear Editor, We all agree that the economic crisis has affected nearly every country in the world and has had a negative impact on the well-being of youths, but like many Guyanese I have doubts that the world economic crisis is the reason for the state of youths in Guyana.

Bisram’s statements and polls support the present government

Dear Editor, As I read Vishnu Bisram’s third lengthy letter, ‘Mehta’s letter was neither biased nor arrogant,’ (SN, August 15), denying my assertion that a member of President Jagdeo’s staff sought an invitation from the Federation of Indian Americans (FIA) for the president to attend the FIA activities, I was reminded of the quote from Sheakespeare’s Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much.”

‘Two peas in a pod’

Dear Editor,   President Bharrat Jagdeo on August 11, 2011 at the Convention Centre said that young people needed to look back at the country’s history in order to defend its current progress. 

SN should make a decision on Bisram

Dear Editor, I write in relation to correspondence by M Maxwell (KN,  August 15 and SN, August 16) with very similar titles requesting both papers to desist from publishing polls claimed to have been done by Mr Vishnu Bisram.

Not linked to any political party

Dear Editor, Please permit me to comment on one aspect of a letter titled ‘Most Guyanese will welcome the observer missions’ which was published in the Guyana Chronicle of August 13 under the name “T.

Reliance Essequibo has produced several national cricketers

Dear Editor, While it is obvious that many clubs in Guyana have produced outstanding cricketers, such as Albion in Berbice and the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) in Demerara, I must recognize the little village of Reliance on the Essequibo Coast that perhaps has created history in producing the most national cricketers in a single village at various levels.

Delays in payment of GuySuCo junior staff pensions

Dear Editor, Many employees particularly in the junior staff category at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) are disheartened by the protracted delays in issuing pension refunds when an employee has resigned or is being paid off for some reason.

Where is the money going?

Dear Editor, In Guyana, when those in charge of our economy talk in monetary terms, they talk in millions and billions of dollars which are spent to run our dear country.

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