Letters to the Editor

Desmond Moffatt’s contribution should be acknowledged

Dear Editor, Quite recently popular and controversial PPP/C activist/councillor Ian Halls on his television programme ‘Under the Microscope,’ while commenting on Black History Month (February)  expressed his concern about how reluctant we are to recognize and pay respects to the local heroes within our midst who have made valuable contributions to the community, especially if they are ordinary working-class individuals of no status.

National Parks Commission did respond to emailed questions

Dear Editor, We refer to the two most recent articles on the Zoological Park, published in the Sunday Stabroek, April 25 2010, captioned ‘Zoo aquarium gets facelift,’ and in Stabroek News on April 26, 2010, titled ‘NPC denies poor working conditions at zoo.’

Region 3 officials, CH&PA did not damage Ruby house

Dear Editor, With respect to the article on page 10 of Stabroek News dated April 26, 2010 captioned ‘Ruby woman offered house-lot,’ please be advised that at no time did CH&PA and Region 3 officials damage the house occupied by Ms Vanessa Gaskin at Ruby.

Labour Day is for all workers

Dear Editor, I refer to a statement made by Mr Carvil Duncan of the Guyana Labour Union on behalf of FITUG, in which he said among other things on national television that persons who participated in the 2009 Labour Day march were associated with political parties and not bona fide trade unions.

Raffle not drawn

Dear Editor, On October 20 last year I was sold a raffle book containing ten tickets by a member of the Lower East Bank PPP District Committee for $1,000.

There will be division not solidarity on May Day

Dear Editor, May Day 2010 is fast approaching. Workers will be expected to march through the streets with their respective unions and assemble, sadly, at separate locations to listen to their respective local leaders speak to them about the significance of workers’ rights, the history of trade unionism and the glorious future that lies ahead for workers in Guyana.

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