
Killing of Dana Seetahal

When, in 1988, the great Trinidadian calypsonian Black Stalin sang “We could make it if we try,” that his country was facing its “darkest hour,” referring to the economic crisis of the time, he obviously could not have foreseen the more serious trials and tribulations to come.

Prof. Suresh Narine is a true role model

Dear Editor, Further to the several accolades attributed recently to Professor Suresh Narine, I wish to add another dimension of which many Guyanese might not be aware: His world class status in the academic/scientific/research/innovation arenas have not got into his head so that he remains humble and approachable; he is a real joy to be with as a friend, colleague, fellow Hindu and a decent human being.

Mr. Khan’s letter should galvanize Guyanese Indians to start looking at themselves and decide who they are

Dear Editor,   I found the letter, `The Nigam concert and false consciousness’ by Romain Khan in your May 12, 2014 issue a splendid opportunity for scholars, commentators and politicians to comment on just who are the East Indians of this country, how have they evolved since their freedom from indentureship and what is the psychic content of these people.

Cocaine in, cocaine out

Local drug traffickers’ moves to put cocaine in everything they possibly could to get it out of the country to where it can earn big bucks in North America resulted in a tragic occurrence last week when four people died, including a child, after drinking what was suspected to be SSS Tonic laced with liquid cocaine.

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