
The future we want

Over the past two years this newspaper has been invited to highlight the centenary birth anniversaries of at least ten people; the majority of them being women.

The TSC uses agreed criteria for promotions plus the recommendation of supervising officers

Dear Editor, The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) refutes definitively the claims reported in last Saturday’s (September 28) issue of the Stabroek News where the General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) alleged that the TSC has been denying teachers their just and legal promotions every year by ignoring the agreed criteria for promotions and advancement.

World affairs – diplomacy takes centre stage

In a recent editorial entitled, ‘Obama, Syria and a world rearranging itself,’ we suggested in focusing on events in the Middle East, that changes were taking place in countries’ perceptions of each other that were inducing the major powers, and specifically the United States, to relook at their relations to each other.

A flawed argument

Dear Editor, The conclusion in the title of Annan Boodram’s letter ‘Neither Indians nor Africans will disengage from traditional electoral support until a force comes along that is better than the PPP and PNC and can demonstrably win elections’ (SN, September 10) is grossly flawed.

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