
The Caribbean Press is a public entity which has to be accountable

Dear Editor, The actions of the elected officials in response to queries concerning the operations of the publicly funded Caribbean Press are but a microcosm of the general PPP philosophy in respect to  the resources of this nation, whether it be NICIL, the absurdities of Mr Jagdeo’s treatment of the  broadcast allocations, or the spite-driven crusade to impose their will on the city council, even if  doing so requires endangering the health of the citizens of Georgetown.

There has been nothing of substance in terms of what was originally promised by the Caribbean Press

Dear Editor, Instead of addressing what I’ve raised about the management of the Caribbean Press, the Minister of Culture, Dr Frank Anthony continues to present misrepresentations and half-truths, completely hides from journalists asking hard questions, or is content to let the PPP’s idiotic phantom letter writers and ‘columnists’ engage in the ad hominem and pathetically ineffective attacks against me.

Big power visitors

The Caricom arena will certainly have obtained some international notoriety last week, with the visits of US Vice President Biden, and then China’s President Xi Jinping to Trinidad & Tobago.

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