
There should be a road engineering competency team to function much like the office of the Inspector General in Jamaica

Dear Editor, SN, February 2, 2012  Eroded Timehri road repaired SN, February 8, 2012 Linden roads crumble despite million-dollar repairs KN, February 8, 2012 Dilapidated 63 Beach Entrance Road and embarrassment KN, February 10, 2012 Lengthy delay of work on breached Pomeroon dam creates havoc for residents KN, February 10, 2012    Good Hope road returns to disrepair two months after rehabilitation KN, February 15, 2012    This Lil’ Red Village road in Region Two is evidence of more shoddy work The above headlines seem to speak more to the ‘contraction’ than the ‘construction’ of our country’s roads.

Realm of absurdity

Last week Guyana entered the realm of the truly absurd. The last vestiges of hope that anyone might have entertained that we could inch towards a more rational ordering of our affairs, now appear to have been dashed.

A case of cognitive dissonance

Dear Editor, It would have been easy to dismiss the recent controversy erupting from President Ramotar’s characterisation of the APNU behaviour at polling places during the last elections, as it would have been similarly simple to entirely dismiss APNU’s marching and demonstrating after the polls and its declarations of suspicion levelled against the PPP/Civic.

Taking Stock of Obama

As the United States readies itself for another hard fought election, the character, style and record of President Obama are beginning to take centre stage.

Somebody forgot to tell the state paper?

It appears that someone completely forgot to tell the state-run newspaper that the day after the President makes a historic presentation to the National Assembly pledging to work together with the political opposition in a new-look Parliament is not the most appropriate day on which to unleash an editorial tirade against one of the political parties with which the government is seeking an accommodation to ensure that every bill that comes before the House is not attended by an outbreak of bloodletting.

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