
False allegations

Dear Editor, It has been brought to my attention that the Guyana Chronicle published an article captioned ‘Controversial accountant’s sons threaten to hack PPP websites’ dated July 31, 2011, where my brother Ravendra Ram has been wrongfully accused of being an orchestrator in hacking government websites.

Global economic jitters

We refer to global economic jitters as we watch the difficulties that both the European Union authorities and the United States government have been having in recent weeks, with various stops and starts in dealing with the management of various economic issues, as reflected mainly in financial gyrations.

Hama… again

One of the surprises of the so-called Arab Spring that has witnessed widespread popular uprising against the most entrenched political regimes in the Middle East, has been the speed with which some of them have collapsed – a matter of weeks in the cases of both the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia and, even more surprisingly, in the case of the Mubarak government in Egypt.

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