
Influencing the trade debate

A statement by President Bharrat Jagdeo to the effect that the Caribbean are the losers in the recently concluded negotiation of the Economic Partner-ship Agreement (EPA) with Europe has been welcomed by a group of prominent Caribbean personalities, including academics, NGO activists and union leaders.

Re-opening old wounds may be convenient politicking but it will be damaging

Dear Editor, When the PPP/C Government was democratically elected to office in 1992 after 28 years of PNC domination, why didn’t they then initiate an investigation into the weapons issued by the GDF to the Ministry of Mobilization and National Development between 1976 and 1979 when the facts and circumstances were fresh in everyone’s mind and the ink was still wet on the GDF records?

Political surprises

One of the minor pleasures of this year’s US presidential campaigns has been the frequent stumbling of highly-paid and supposedly knowledgeable pundits.

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