Stabroek Weekend

Ian On Sunday

There is no connection between sexual mores and job performance. Many of the greatest leaders in history were unbridled lechers.

Consumer Concerns

The poor are always with us. In Guyana we are very conscious of the fact that many of our consumers are living from hand to mouth.

Arts On Sunday

Last week we took a brief look at contemporary African poetry as illustrated by a selection from a poet resident in Britain, Nigeria born Ben Okri, who won the Booker Prize 1991 for his novel The Famished Road.

Arts On Sunday

One of the interesting elements of African poetry is the way it has journeyed in Africa, in Europe and through the diaspora around the world through originality, imitation, modern, identity consciousness, back to imitation to become an influence on the originality of a major contemporary literary movement.

Consumer Concerns

A consumer asked “Why have consumers been misled? We were told that the cost of living would not rise, that food prices would remain the same.

Pet Corner

I did say last week that we would move into the discussion on tapeworms.


The debate was already raging when I joined the small group downtown, well-wishers of chess who enjoy discussing the literature of the game, and the people who play it.

Business Page

Introduction Following on from last week’s article I would like to highlight Nigel’s Supermarket for being the first supermarket I have visited since the implementation of VAT for which the majority of sticker prices were VAT inclusive.

Ian On Sunday

I suppose it is inevitable that every person should drastically over-estimate his or her importance.

A Gardener’s Diary

I am often asked to give an opinion on the health of a fern called Polypodium aureum, popularly known as Breadfruit fern (because the shape of the leaves is similar to those of the Breadfruit tree).

Eye Issues

Why do my eyes sometimes look red in photographs? The back of the eye contains two layers, the choroids, which is made up of blood vessels and is red, and the retina, which is made of nerve fibres and is much thinner and is transparent.


Wendy Rahamut Modern Caribbean Cuisine (Macmillan Caribbean, 2006) You may wonder what could be modern about the flavours in Caribbean food.

Pet Corner

Of all the intestinal worms infesting dogs, hookworms are the ones I fear the most.

Consumer Concerns

During the latter half of the year 2006 I purchased a 110ml bottle of Optrex Eye Lotion for $890 and bathed my eyes in the eye bath.


A man’s limb, heavily casted and suspended overhead from elaborate contraptions and ropes tied to these casts pulling down gymnasium weights in a cramped hospital orthopaedic ward, is the picture which comes to mind when we think of visiting a friend who has unfortunately met with a recent accident involving a few broken bones.

Arts On Sunday

If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken and so die.

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