Letters to the Editor

Minister of Labour should be commended for the national minimum wage

Dear Editor, The Minister of Labour and Social Security, Dr Nanda Gopaul must be commended for his initiative to come up with a national minimum wage for the nation’s workers, in particular private sector employees, a significant number of whom are not unionized and are therefore left at the mercy of employers who at times are inclined to take advantage of their non-unionized status and pay them way below what is considered fair and reasonable.

Questions about GFA Congress

Dear Editor, I refer to an article published on page 30 of SN 23-01-13 captioned `Golden Jaguars FIFA friendly match could be off’ with the sub headlines `Financial constraints cited’, `Wilson Lauds recent GFA Congress’. 

Will other miners who were forced to give up claims in areas that became Amerindian lands now take legal action?

Dear Editor, There is nothing that unifies the Amerindian peoples more than their land demarcation and ownership, and the recent landmark decision over ownership of village lands in Isseneru Village in which a miner was granted rights on what became village land has the potential to completely unravel the close relationship which the government has with Amerindian communities.

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