The problem begins in the home, indisciplined teachers can’t help

Dear Editor,

One columnist wrote that he was operating outside the Ministry’s code when he used corporal punishment (CP). In other words he disobeyed instructions and should be disciplined. It is the same person who is saying the child whom he disciplined needs such discipline with the rod.

Here we have the indisciplined teacher (role model)trying to discipline the child. This is the very circumstance which in the first place cause children to disrespect authority and become disobedient.

I know people hate to hear me say this but it begins in the home.

The young perceptive child sees our hypocrisy clearly and therefore cannot trust adults; hence their disrespect and disobedience and indiscipline. They take note of the various masks we put on our faces. They take note of our chameleon qualities and double standards. That is the very cause.

Now instead of the teacher helping to correct this vision he/she confirms it. And instead of realising that the child has many problems that are home based and are painful enough, that teacher adds to that by beating.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth Daniels