Gov’t must acknowledge validity of teachers’ demands and engage in meaningful discussions with their union

Dear Editor

In a functioning democracy, the relationship between government and its citizens should be one of mutual respect, especially when it comes to addressing the concerns of vital professions such as teaching and nursing. 

It is in this regard and moreover as a teacher it would be remiss of me not to express my disdain at the recent events which have brought to light a disturbing trend of disregard and mockery towards the legitimate grievances of my fellow educators. 

The portrayal of teachers’ issues, particularly their demand for better salaries, benefits and collective bargaining rights, as mere fodder for political satire in a skit performed by members of the governing party  at their recently concluded congress is not only disturbing and disrespectful but also highlights a profound lack of understanding and appreciation for the gravity of the situation.

The teaching fraternity, most will agree, plays an indispensable and profound role in shaping the future of our nation. Educators are entrusted with the noble task of nurturing young minds, imparting knowledge, and instilling values that will guide future generations. Yet, despite their pivotal role, teachers often find themselves undervalued, overworked, and underappreciated.

 The call for collective bargaining rights by the teachers union during their strike action is not a frivolous demand but a fundamental necessity to ensure fair treatment, adequate compensation, and a conducive working environment for our teachers.

The decision directly or indirectly, wittingly or unwittingly to mock the teachers’ strike in a political skit, demonstrates a callous disregard, and gross disrespect for the struggles faced by educators on a daily basis. The act to conjure up laughter only succeeded to belittle our teachers’ legitimate concerns and trivializes the importance of collective bargaining in ensuring betterment for their welfare.

 I dare say such actions not only undermine the dignity of my fellow educators, our teachers, but also erode public trust in the government’s serious commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing our teachers in the education system.

It is equally important and imperative that all Guyanese and especially the government in recognizing the seriousness of the challenges plaguing the teaching fraternity take decisive action to address them. 

The government must acknowledge the validity of the teachers’ demands and engage in meaningful discussions with their union to find equitable solutions. Solutions which are available and require a mere ounce of political will and heart.

Collective bargaining is not a threat to governance but a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that the voices of our workers are heard and their rights upheld.

Democracy that the government speaks of so eloquently on a frequent basis must be demonstrated also in actions.

Again I say, the portrayal of our teachers’ issues in a political skit reflects a broader pattern of dismissiveness towards the plight of educators. This pattern must be confronted and rectified through concerted and deliberate efforts to prioritize education and our teachers as a national priority.

 Investment in education is an investment in the future of our nation, and neglecting the needs of teachers undermines the very foundation of our society.

The offensive portrayal of our teachers’ issues in that attempt to be funny, requires a public apology. It is not only warranted but necessary to restore dignity and respect to the teaching profession. Furthermore, the government must commit to taking concrete steps to address the systemic issues affecting teachers, including but not limited to fair wages, but better working conditions and adequate resources for classrooms and non- taxable benefits.

Yours respectfully,

Hon. Jermaine Figueira MP