I found these two contributions in Parliament surprising

Dear Editor,

I hope you may be able to clarify my curiosity if you had reporters in Parliament when Mr. Clement Rohee was reading excerpts from confessions of the mediaeval witch hunts in Europe and in early North America (Salem) in the 17th century. I saw on TV a condensed broadcast of one of two parliamentary discourses presented for public scrutiny of which Mr. Rohee’s narrative was one and I am at a loss as to what could have been the debate that would have required references to the era of the inquisition with such emphasis on detail? I can only assume that Mr. Rohee has only recently become aware of this aspect of religious history and is eager to share this finding with his fellows in Parliament. There lies the request for clarification on this particular TV clip.

I was told that Desrey Fox’s comments were directed at the Christian community with the intention of castigating them for objecting to the casino imposition on our fragile society. I know Desrey Fox as a social anthropologist, a linguist with wide knowledge of Amerindian cultures and herself a beneficiary of the local Christian movement. Unlike her political colleague Desrey would or should have an understanding of the flaws and hypocrisies in all human systems including all religious, political systems, their ideas and pronounced lofty ideals. Religion enslaves as it liberates. Desrey does not have the excuse of being raised at Robb St. Her comments about Christianity are partly true of all religions in Guyana, to extract flaws for political grandstanding is dishonest when moral degeneracy is abundant in the very political establishment she has subjected herself to become a willing pawn of. I am indeed saddened but not surprised by this eclipse of conscience for political office on Desrey’s behalf.

Casino gambling has always been linked to organised crime and underworld elements and in Guyana it will not be different. The Jagdeo government has led us down this dark road before. With the imposition of this manifestation of organised crime who will prevent the prostitution, the enforcers. Our Home Affairs Minister and acting Police Chief?

The church has sat in the seat of the scornful and listened to the lies of the ungodly amongst their own, now they are challenged by Mammon to spiritual warfare.

By the time this letter is published the Casino bill will be passed, the Prince has made his pact with the Pit and the consequences far outweigh those of us who appeal to principles of decency, preservation of our values, our social existence and moral concerns.

Yours faithfully,

Barrington Braithwaite