The management of the water company has not performed satisfactorily

Dear Editor,

I have observed that the Government is moving to revamp the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) which was established in May 2002. This should be seen by all Guyanese as a good move, since the utility has not been performing satisfactorily and below the expectations of Guyanese.

I remember former Minister of Housing and Water Shaik Baksh saying at a public forum that the company is not delivering on its promises to the Guyanese people and as such the blame is being directed to the Government.

This should not be, since GWI has a specific mandate and should face the full penalties and criticisms when it cannot deliver on its promises.

Mr. Editor, I am sure you are aware of some of the difficulties faced by pensioners as it relates to their water tariff exemptions.

It is a fact that the Government pays in excess of $200M to the company for pensioners who are legal owners of properties countrywide.

Some senior citizens who are not aware that Government is paying their water bills have complained that they were not informed by the company and ended up paying from their pockets.

For the past months I met several senior citizens who cried bitterly about the treatment meted out to them by the water company.

Some of their water supply has also been disconnected although they do not owe any arrears and as the Minister said, they are saying that the President is not doing anything to help them.

I am calling on all Guyanese to support the Government in the move to revamp or remove the current administration of GWI, because they have not made our lives better and they are not even trying to improve the service which they provide.

Yours faithfully,

A. Hackette