WPA condemns Venezuela’s incursion into Guyana

The Working People Alliance (WPA) said Venezuela’s recent incursion into Guyana’s territory must be condemned and resisted forcefully by government given that the attack was reckless, irresponsible, unprovoked and destructive.

They are calling on government to call in diplomatic missions in Guyana and formally register a protest in addition to requesting their support for an international inquiry into the incident. Also, the WPA said Guyana should express a demand for compensation by the Venezuelan authorities as well as admission of their culpability.

Further, the party stated that the matter should be placed formally before Caricom, the Commonwealth, the Organization of American States and the United Nations for immediate consideration.

Government’s “timid” response so far had been coupled with the suggestion that Guyana would not ‘rock the diplomatic boat’ for fear of repercussions with the PetroCaribe deal, and the WPA, expressed the hope that despite appearances, “such [d]astardly conduct would not be entertained by government.”

A press statement from the party said Guyana was not responsible for the incident, therefore it plainly must sour relations and cause a rift. Thf government should disavow the statement in the Chronicle newspaper to the effect that Guyana and Venezuela should not let the incident cause any “rift or souring of relations,” the party said.