American economic problems could affect us

Dear Editor,

With the impending gloom for the world economy for 2008, is the Guyana Government addressing these concerns?

The effects of the US sub-prime mortgage market crisis are being felt throughout the US also in the motor industry. Ford and General Motors have been laying off thousands of workers, many of whom have to depend on charities and soup kitchens.

The economic forecast is that the USA will slide into recession in the first quarter of 2008; if true these conditions will affect most of the western industrialized countries, and must affect the economies of developing countries. Aid from these countries would be reduced, remittances from overseas Guyanese would fall and adverse trading conditions would impact negatively on economic growth of our country.

Guyanese might be looking forward to Christmas but the government should be addressing these concerns so that the people could be prepared for the hardship ahead.

Yours faithfully,

FA Neblett