Is Mr Forde a certified BMW technician?

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter by Mr Reginald Forde captioned “I have the skills and equipment to service BMW” (07.12.12). Mr Forde stated that he has 15 years experience working on cars including BMW’s. He also claimed to have all the advanced tools, equipment, etc. necessary to service these cars except that they are resting and deteriorating in a bond awaiting installation at a suitable location.

Mr Forde should know that the skills he has acquired and the tools and equipment he claims to have are of no use to anyone unless they are available and operational as and when needed. Hence for all practical purposes Mr Forde’s claims appear to be nothing but a pipe dream.

Skilled technicians for BMW’s, Mercedes Benz’s and Toyota cars are usually trained by these car manufacturers and attend regular workshops to upgrade their skills. They are awarded certificates to attest their competency at each step of the way. Mr Forde may have worked with various car companies but the important thing is for him to state the type of work he did and the certification he received for them. Is Mr Forde a certified BMW technician or for that matter could anyone living in Guyana claim to be one? Generally in the USA and New York in particular, a mechanic has to get state certification before he could sign-off on a vehicle repair job.

It would probably be of interest for Mr Forde to note that the supposedly ‘premier’ workshop for Guyana’s most popular cars, Toyotas, could benefit tremendously from his purported skills and the use of the tools he claims to have. A cursory look at the workshop will reveal that it is bare of the specialized tools and skilled technicians needed to keep Toyotas in good top running condition. This would be an excellent way for Mr Forde to provide the expertise and at the same time get help starting.

Yours faithfully,

Charles Sohan