Ms Holder-Allen is languishing in the wilderness

Dear Editor,

Chief Magistrate Juliet Holder-Allen continues to languish in the wilderness, compliments of President Jagdeo, the PPP, and Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin. Ms. Holder-Allen no doubt angered many top government officials by executing her job as a professional and fair-minded woman.

It is approaching five years since she was forced off the Bench but we are asked to believe that there’s democracy in Guyana.

Recently, I have noticed with great amusement that the PPP in condemning the assassination of Benazir Bhutto says “the dismissal of the chief justice and the judges, among other undemocratic actions, were fertile grounds for terrorists to grow.” So true, but the PPP is the wrong party to be uttering those remarks…after all, charity begins at home. .

President Jagdeo and the PPP continue to protect and promote persons within their ranks to higher offices despite allegations of corruption, drug linkage, contempt of court, law books scandal or rape. Not to forget the protection of a trigger happy minister of government, Kellawan Lall. Yet, Mr. Corbin sits in Parliament and smiles with these cold-hearted people. Please, Mr. Corbin, boycott Parliament until Kellawan Lall is removed from office and Juliet Holder-Allen is restored as Chief Magistrate.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Benschop