Woman sent on self-bail over street scuffle knifing

A street scuffle, which led to a knifing, saw a woman being sent on self-bail when she appeared before Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle yesterday charged with assault and unlawful and malicious wounding.

It is alleged that on January 8 in Roxanne Burnham Gardens at approximately 8.15 pm, Natoya Walcott, 21, stabbed Venecia George following an argument.

According to reports, Walcott was walking past where George and some friends were sitting. As she passed, George and her friends allegedly interfered with her and an argument ensued, which ended in a scuffle between George and Walcott. George was reportedly in possession of a knife that fell during the scuffle and Walcott picked up the knife and proceeded to stab George three times. The matter was subsequently reported to the police and a medical report was obtained for the wounded woman.

However, in her explanation to the court yesterday, Walcott said she and her one-year-old child were passing by the women when George called her names and lifted her skirt to expose herself. Walcott further said that George’s sisters kicked her in the back and the knife that she used during the confrontation belonged to George.

George who was silent for most of the time only said that the knife didn’t belong to her.

After listening to Walcott’s explanation, the magistrate entered a not guilty plea on her behalf and she was placed on self-bail.

The case continues on February 25 in Court Three.