The police and the private security industry should meet to discuss cooperation

Dear Editor,

The time has come for the private security sector and police to become engaged in working out a suitable model to govern the cooperative efforts of private security services- those which provide a collective body of services known as private law enforcement, and the statutory security providers or public law enforcement.

Over the last decade or so, ever so often, one hears a representative of the private security industry stating that the private security industry stands ready and willing to assist the police in its law enforcement efforts.” To the average person it appears that the police are not desirous of collaborating with the private security industry; the reality of the matter though, is that in order for any such union to prove fruitful; there needs to be a meeting of minds.

One cannot deny that there exists tremendous potential for public private security collaboration. However, in order for this to be achieved, representatives of both sides must first meet to assess the context in which they now operate and the extent of the cooperation; among other sensitive issues which could ultimately affect the nature of any such agreement. The scope for collaboration is considerable and precedents in other countries can be considered.

Yours faithfully,

Clairmont Featherstone