Eleven in line-up to dethrone Harresh Singh

The Uitvlugt Community Centre ground will come alive tonight when 11 finalists take to the stage to try and dethrone last year’s Mashramani Chutney monarch Harresh Singh.

The 11, from Regions Three, Four, Five and Six, are Sandradai ‘Girlie’ Persaud, Rajesh Dubraj, Andy Jagmohan, Aron Dasraj, Joyce Harris, Levi Nedd, Eze Baird, Mahesh Narine, Donald Morgan, Sandella Craig and Derrick Mangal. They were the ones left standing after the preliminary competition, which saw a total of 21 entrants.

Competitive performances are expected from Chutney veterans such as Dubraj and Harris during the show, which is likely to go into the wee hours of Sunday. Gates will open from 6 pm and tickets cost $500.