It is time for our leaders to work together

Dear Editor,

What an easy thing it is for those who are up to no good, to succeed in exposing our divisions! Here we have the Bartica horror of Sunday night February 17, bringing to light how ready we are to get at each other’s throats on the question of what is a massacre (pronounced mah-sah-cah, of course, and not mah-sah-car) and what is not. An example of this is the (almost heated) debate on that theme, over CNS Channel 6 on the programme Good Morning Guyana, on the morning of February 18.

Of course it is clear that some would like to make the Lusignan matter unique, maybe for posterity, while the Bartica incident might, for their purposes, be relegated to just another item on the list of criminal events of the moment.

I trust that this latest in a long line of such horrors, has now brought the nation’s leaders to the appreciation of where our real dilemma lies. For me, it suggests that it is high time for full collaboration between all our top people – government, opposition, civic society, and the paramilitary, on where we are, and where we should be heading.

Yes, it is high time to live up to what we have been prattling, about being One People, one Nation, One Destiny.

Yours faithfully,

Walter A Jordan