I miss the shows on Channel 6

Dear Editor,

One of the best known and longest running television stations in Guyana turned 16 in 2008.  Where would Lusignan and the surrounding areas be today were it not for CNS Channel 6 TV? Who would have given us newsworthy breaking stories?

From the massacre of 11 innocent people to our favourite programmes like Good Morning Guyana hosted by Naim Chan, Guyana Cook Up Show hosted by Allan Fenty and many other local entertainment shows. All these shows are readily available to expatriates on Jump TV on the internet allowing Guyanese residing overseas to keep in touch with current events back in Guyana. Some of my family members voted for President Jagdeo, and even if I had voted for him, I would still feel the need to criticize him. Voting for someone doesn’t mean you are obligated to back everything your candidate does in the future. Also, direct communication with the President about a grievance isn’t likely, Channel 6 allows you to air these grievances.

Yours faithfully,
Shalini Ramkishun