City Hall should demolish this derelict house

Dear Editor,

 I have made several contacts with City Hall regarding a condemned / dilapidated house at 43 Middle Street, McDoom, EBD.  The house and the garage have been abandoned by its owner – it sits completely rotted and infested with wood ants.  The ants are spreading to the nearby house and have become a constant problem of spraying.  The house has also become a haven for vandals and drug addicts creating an unsafe environment for the neighbouring children.
Several reports have been made to the City Council to have the house and garage torn down but so far no one has come to complete the task. 
The owners have abandoned the house and have taken up residence elsewhere.
The cost of living is hard enough and constantly having to spray our home for wood ants infestation is taking a toll financially.  This is also not safe for our family.

Yours faithfully,
K Persaud